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new dashboard and payouts

**Attention Traders**
Payouts can ONLY be requested on the Last Saturday o
f the month

for the majority of traders.
Any other traders with special accounts, 

They can request only on Saturdays.



Hello Leeloo traders and welcome back to another video from Spanish trader, Trader Goldenti.

In this video, he teaches how to watch the Drawdown in Rithmic and why it’s important to keep an eye on it every day, in order to know how we are doing and what margins we are managing.

Cómo Mirar el Drawdown en Rithmic

Spanish trader, 'Trader Goldenti’ has teamed up with us here at Leeloo Trading and has made some videos on how to make Leeloo work for you. 

They have been designed to help Spanish traders understand how the Leeloo Trading Paid Performance trading program works.

Keep checking in for more helpful videos from Trader Goldenti, coming soon!

More useful links for you from Trader Goldenti:

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